Monday, June 22, 2009

bosan tahap xlarat nk layan

.. haha.. macam ape je entry kat atas..

oh yea.. i did promise u guys i'll tell u some more about myself.....
well u out there can just call me jaja larh... its nice yet so simple..hehee...

ermm..i'm still studying..duh! just cant wait for next year.. perhap i'll be finished my B. Eng Industrial Electronic at UniMAP..

talk about my life at UniMAP;.. well i wud simply classified it as my best studying-place ever.. ke?.. okayh la.. .

So now, just lepakking dekat rumah..being stucked of doing nothing..instead of YM+skype+fs+ms+movies n sort of byk bende2 x faedah aku buat sepanjang cuti ni.. kinda bored jugak la..

okayh la.. da byk aku merepek kat sini..
